Economic and Energy Analysis of Small Capacity Grid-connected Hybrid Photovoltaic-wind Systems in Mexico


  • Rafael Peña Gallardo Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Adalberto Ospino Castro Universidad de la Costa
  • Juan Segundo Ramírez Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Aurelio Hernández Rodriguez Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Eliana Noriega Angarita Universidad de la Costa
  • Yecid Muñoz Maldonado Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


The integration of renewable energies in the electric power system, as a solution to the growing demand for electricity in developing countries, has become a vital issue, such is the case of Mexico. The purpose of this work is the assessment of the economic and energy feasibility of a residential house grid-connected hybrid PV-Wind system, in Mexico. The hybrid PV-Wind system design is based on the existing renewable energy resources and considering a typical load profile. Also, an economic analysis is presented based on the two schemes approved for the sale of the surplus of the energy generated in Mexico: net billing and net metering. The results obtained demonstrate the viability and profitability of the proposed small-size system. However, the results corroborate that government incentives are crucial to making the proposed system more attractive and affordable for residential users.Keywords: Feasibility study, hybrid generation system, net billing, net metering, photovoltaic energy, wind energy.JEL Classifications: Q2, Q42, Q5DOI:





How to Cite

Gallardo, R. P., Castro, A. O., Ramírez, J. S., Rodriguez, A. H., Angarita, E. N., & Maldonado, Y. M. (2020). Economic and Energy Analysis of Small Capacity Grid-connected Hybrid Photovoltaic-wind Systems in Mexico. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(2), 7–17. Retrieved from


