Modeling the Optimum Solar PV System for Management of Peak Demand


  • Imad Ibrik An-Najah National University


The use of renewable energy systems and mainly solar PV for grid connected applications has grown rapidly internationally over recent years, solar PV systems are potentially well suited to commercial demand side management applications because the solar resource coincides well with the typical weekday load profile of many types of commercial utility customers specially here in Palestine. The paper objective is determining the capacity of solar PV power system that allowed for the storage of solar energy and for the dispatch of that energy during the load peak demand in facilities. The model presented in this paper focuses on the development of a method to obtain the optimal photovoltaic solar PV capacity (kW) and photovoltaic operation time (hours per day) for a given daily load curve (for an electrical peak shaving). This model is for the case of a facility, commercial or industrial, with a constant billing demand rate ($ / kW / month) throughout the year. The analysis is based on a linear load duration curve, average solar radiation, and uses a simplified LCC approach.Keywords: Photovoltaic power generators, Peak shaving, Techno-economic feasibility of PV systems, Demand side management.JEL Classification: O13DOI:


Author Biography

Imad Ibrik, An-Najah National University

Energy Research CenterPh.D. in Power System Analysis, Vinnitsa State Technical University, Ukraine May 1996 (Honors degree).  M.Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering specialized in power supply of cities and industrial sector, Vinnitsa State Technical University – Ukraine Sept. 1992 (Honors degree).




How to Cite

Ibrik, I. (2019). Modeling the Optimum Solar PV System for Management of Peak Demand. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(2), 246–250. Retrieved from


