Household Cooking Energy Situation in Nigeria: Insight from Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey 2015
The lingering electricity energy crisis in Nigeria which is beyond the control of most households necessitates making decision and choice on alternative energy pathways for households' sustenance and welfare. This study assessed households' energy situation with respect to choice of cooking fuel and cooking energy poverty status in Nigeria. Further investigation was sought to isolate the main factors influencing households' choice of individual fuels as main cooking fuels using data from Nigeria's Malaria Indicator Survey of 2015 with the application of descriptive and multivariate probit analyses. Findings revealed that wood and kerosene fuels remain the major fuels utilized by most households in Nigeria for cooking purposes. Meanwhile, level of education, household size, wealth status and regional factors are significant predictors driving choices of fuels among households, though the impact of these factors differs across the highlighted choices. Based on these findings, mass enlightenment campaign on the safe use of clean energy is recommended while the need for economic diversification by rural households to aid their wealth status is also emphasized. Also, there is need to gear up corporate social responsibilities by the available private establishments in ensuring rural accessibility, availability and affordability of modern and cleaner fuel (such as LPG).Keywords: Cooking Energy Choice, Multivariate Probit Model, NigeriaJEL Classifications: D10, I30, Q40DOI:
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How to Cite
Megbowon, E., Mukarumbwa, P., Ojo, S., & Olalekan, O. S. (2018). Household Cooking Energy Situation in Nigeria: Insight from Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey 2015. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 8(6), 284–291. Retrieved from