Towards a UTAUT-based Model for the Intention to use Solar Water Heaters by Libyan households


  • Ahmed Mohamed Saleh University Science Islam Malaysia
  • Asmaddy Bin Haris University Science Islam Malaysia
  • Nursilah Bint Ahmad University Science Islam Malaysia


Among the most fundamental features to ensure the success of a new technology introduction is citizen acceptance. Based on a unified model, called the Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this paper provides new insights into predicting adoption and identifying of the factors that may prompt people to accept and use of Solar Water Heaters as a concrete step toward using Renewable Energy Resources, and offer guidelines for energy saving for the Libyan government and that will contribute to the economy of the country. Keywords: Solar Water Heaters; Technology Acceptance; the Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology (UTAUT); Libyan Household JEL Classifications: D10; Q20; Q42; Q48


Author Biographies

Ahmed Mohamed Saleh, University Science Islam Malaysia

phD. student

Nursilah Bint Ahmad, University Science Islam Malaysia

Senior Lecturer / Head of Program (Bachelor of Corporate Administration and Relations with Honours)




How to Cite

Saleh, A. M., Haris, A. B., & Ahmad, N. B. (2013). Towards a UTAUT-based Model for the Intention to use Solar Water Heaters by Libyan households. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 4(1), 26–31. Retrieved from


