Energy Conservation as a Sustainable Strategy for Smart Home Buildings in Amman, Jordan with Improving Indoor Built Environment features and key performance


  • Emad A. Awada Al-Balqa Applied University
  • Amal Abed
  • Eyad Radwan
  • Aws Al-Qaisi
  • Ayman Y. Al-Rawashdeh


As an ingenious efficient environment, smart buildings can be considered as essential constituents for energy conservation. That is, in today's energy demands upsurges and energy sources degradation, the idea of the smart home building has a major implication on improving the living environment along with cutting down on energy consumptions.  Therefore, this study investigates the energy conservation theme in Amman, Jordan in terms of opportunities and challenges vs. renewable energy technology. This study was based on interviews with the expert (academics, professionals architects, and electrical engineers, in addition to employees in Electrical companies) aiming to identify the problematic gap in designing theoretical analysis of a smart automated building based on collaboration work between Electrical and Architectural Engineering.  From an Electrical Engineering point of view, automated control building systems can provide efficient means of comfort, sustainable habitat environment, and energy conservation as a building advantage.  Such a scheme can be accomplished through automated control software (LabView), sensors, network infrastructure, logic design, and mechanical actuators.  Meanwhile, from an architecture point of view, passive design strategies can reduce energy consumption along with public awareness for building users.  This was implemented through simulation for base case building showing the integration between architectural and electrical systems through using a hybrid system. As a result, this new building automation design will help reducing energy consumption by controlling light fixtures, air-condition, water pumps, and many more appliances.  The design guidelines, once formulated and enacted, will guarantee energy conservation qualitatively which will serve as a proposed guideline for enhancing buildings' regulation and codes.Keywords: Energy Conservation, Sustainable Strategy, Smart Building, Indoor Built Environment.JEL Classifications: Q2, Q3, Q4DOI:


Author Biography

Emad A. Awada, Al-Balqa Applied University

Dr. EMAD AWADA received his B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Prairie View Texas A&M University in 1998. He also, received his M.S. degree and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Prairie View Texas A&M University 2006 and 2011 respectively. His work experiences were in the field of electrical power, energy, and signal processing. His research interests are in the areas of Power System, Renewable Energy, Energy Conservation, Mixed Signals Systems, Signal Processing, and Power Fault Detection. Currently, he is a fulltime Associate Professor at Al-Balqa Applied University, Electrical Engineering Department. Dr. Emad Awada can be reached at .




How to Cite

Awada, E. A., Abed, A., Radwan, E., Al-Qaisi, A., & Al-Rawashdeh, A. Y. (2021). Energy Conservation as a Sustainable Strategy for Smart Home Buildings in Amman, Jordan with Improving Indoor Built Environment features and key performance. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(6), 408–417. Retrieved from


