Assessment of State Services Quality and Availability in the Socio-Cultural Sphere

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  • Irina V. Terentyeva
  • Mikhail P. Starodubtsev
  • Andrey I. Timonin
  • Natalya B. Pugacheva
  • Nadezhda N. Zykova
  • Alexander N. Lunev
  • Sergey G. Ezhov
  • Lyudmila D. Starikova


The relevance of the presented research is caused by distribution of independent tools to assess public administration of the socio-cultural sphere by public nongovernmental organizations and scientific institutes. The objective of the paper is to develop a technique to assess quality and availability of state services in the socio-cultural sphere as components of public administration. An institutional approach has become a leading one; it allows to consider state services quality and availability assessment in the socio-cultural sphere as a complex indicator of the content quality of a resulting effect and quality of services obtained; it is also connected with the comfort of service rendering and their availability for consumers. The elaborated technique of state services quality and availability assessment in the socio-cultural sphere includes the following criteria: the level of state services quality; the level of state services availability; the level of trust that consumers have in service providers. The technique is directed to identify effective measures to provide consumers with available and high-quality state services in the socio-cultural sphere rendered by state bodies and their departments according to the results of a calendar year.Keywords: evaluation of public administration, trust of consumers in service providers, level of state services quality, level of state services availability, socio-cultural sphere.JEL Classifications: P35, Z13, Z18


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How to Cite

Terentyeva, I. V., Starodubtsev, M. P., Timonin, A. I., Pugacheva, N. B., Zykova, N. N., Lunev, A. N., Ezhov, S. G., & Starikova, L. D. (2016). Assessment of State Services Quality and Availability in the Socio-Cultural Sphere. International Review of Management and Marketing, 6(1), 122–127. Retrieved from




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