ࡱ> >A= 0bjbj 0rrx x x x x  8 ,  m3!(,!B!B!B!"""2222222$W6 9V3x """""3x x B!B!'3""""x B!x B!2""2""%%B!934"%2=30m3%,_9"F_9%%_9x )0 """"""""33""""m3""""_9""""""""" >: Investigating the causal relationship between fossil fuels consumption and economic growth at aggregate and disaggregate levels in Saudi Arabia Dr. Atef Saad Alshehry College of Administrative Sciences, Najran University (Saudi Arabia) Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:asalshehry@nu.edu.sa" asalshehry@nu.edu.sa Prof. Mounir BELLOUMI College of Administrative Sciences, Najran University (Saudi Arabia) and LAMIDED, University of Sousse (Tunisia) Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mounir.balloumi@gmail.com" mounir.balloumi@gmail.com / mrbelloumi@nu.edu.sa Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the causal relationship between fossil fuels consumption, CO2 emissions and economic activity at aggregate and disaggregate levels in Saudi Arabia using the multivariate cointegration approach. The results show the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between fossil fuels consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth. Moreover, in the long-run there is a unidirectional causality running from economic growth to energy consumption, a unidirectional causality running from economic growth to natural gas consumption and absence of causality in the case of oil consumption. Our results indicate that energy conservation policies might be enforced without affecting economic growth. Policies aimed at reducing fossil fuel consumption and controlling for CO2 emissions may not affect negatively Saudis economic growth. Hence, policy reforms aimed at reducing fossil fuels (oil and natural gas) subsidies become an urgent necessity in the near future in order to eliminate fossil fuel wastes. JEL classification: C32; Q43. Keywords: Oil consumption, natural gas consumption, economic growth.      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